Managment And Team

Dishari has a Central Management Team (CMT) comprising 7 senior members from different individual units. The members of this team have strong leadership quality, recourse mobilization and management capacity, proven experiences and commitment. The chief executive of the Organisation continues to provide leadership to the central management team as an effective mentor. This team is responsible for strategic direction to ensure smooth implementation of programme operations. This team also maintains communication and liaison with government, people’s representatives and development partners


Mr liton mondol

Managing Director and Founder of Dishari

More than 17 years of working experience on rights-based development approach, advocacy and campaign programme while mainstreaming women and children’s rights. Having good understanding on national and international security and development related issues. Have soind knowledge on social and economics issues of the country and good networking and communication skills to work closely with different stakeholders particularly Government and all reputed Civil Society Organizations in Bangladesh. Experience in conducting research activities and identifying relevant issues. Lead a number of studies on child protection, CRBP, disability inclusion and gender based violence. Facilitated a number of training programmes on advocacy, rights-based issues and gender mainstreaming. Having more than 12 years of working experiences with INGO on advocacy, human rights, gender, disability rights, community development, social inclusion and Community based Rehabilitation Programme. Have good understanding on sustainable development goal and its link to gender equality.


  Child Protection Expert

Al kowsar works as a Technical Expert for Dishari. He has more than  years of experience as a development worker with various organizations such as , BRAC, Save the Children, and Canadian International Development Agency-CIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency-SIDA, Danish International Development, Agency-DANIDA, IKEA Foundation, EU, UNHCR, UNICEF, Amplify Change, etc.) He has experience in – project and partnership management, advocacy, case management, research, knowledge management, monitoring, and evaluation. Furthermore, he has experience on issues like – Child Protection, Child Rights Governance, Gender & Gender-Based Violence, Human Trafficking (both cross border and internal), Humanitarian intervention, and Networking.

Jame akter

Head of Operations(Person with Disabilities)

Jame Akter works at Dishari, as Head of Operations. She is responsible to formulate, organize and monitor inter connected projects, ensure development of proposals, budget, concept notes and submission on time on behalf of the firm. Also, responsible to develop, writes and presents comprehensive statistical and narrative program reports and monitoring projects and overseeing project managers to ensure goals are met. Before joining the team, she worked at Acid Survivors Foundation with the OD & OM team and Foundation for Disaster Forum as coordinator. She has completed her master of Kustiya University ..

Kajol Rakha

Person with Disabilities Expert

He works as a technical expert for Disability Inclusion. As a person with physically challenged person, he is involved in organizations of persons with disabilities as a founding member and is contributing to strengthening the inclusion of persons with disabilities in government office bearers. Working with CDD since last 10 years. Also fully engaged to continue regular policy advocacy programs with various Ministries and Departments on rights and opportunities of persons with disabilities in Bangladesh. As a person with physically challenged person , he has been involved in organizations of disabled people as a founding member and has been contributing to strengthening the inclusion of disabled people in government office bearers.

Sumaya Akter Sompa

Gender & Dishari Expert

She works as a Technical Expert Dishari .  Focal person on Gender, Disaster Management, GBV, Advocacy on WATSAN, Adolescent health, Women Empowerment, Centre Manager in NGO sector. Her specialty lies in Program/ Project management, Partnership Management, Consultancy, Advocacy and Communication, Training Facilitation, Monitoring and Evaluation, Report writing and presentation, Staff management, Team building and leadership, Budget management. She has expert – in Advocacy, Communication and Networking, Gender & Development, Women’s Empowerment, Adolescents Health and Rights, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH), Public Health, Government Policy and process

Nurhaowa Begum

  Gender Expert

Have been providing strategic and operational leadership in conceptualizing, designing, implementing and monitoring programs in development sector with a focus in gender equality and women’s empowerment, child protection, humanitarian programmmes, Sexual Reproductive Health Rights, Gender Based Violence, mental health and enterprise development. Have started career in a research-based organization gradually moved to NGOs, international NGOs and UN agencies. All these allowed her to learn closely to do baseline/ situation analysis, assessment/review (Programs and policy) and develop strategy, assess capacity building areas, ensure program planning and management, networking, prioritizing advocacy agenda, knowledge management, leadership directions towards problem solving by engaging different level stakeholders in a participatory process. Also worked in a number of national and international /UN organizations including BRAC, Acid survivors Foundation, International Labour Organization, Save the Children, Bangladesh, International Development Enterprise., Women’s Health Coalition, Gono Sahajjo Sanstha. University Research Corporation.


dishari opd gaibandha


Member, CPD Board of Trustees; Executive Director, CAMPE;
and Former Advisor to the Caretaker Government

Educationist and social activist Rasheda K. Choudhury is a leading policy voice of Bangladesh with more than three decades of experience of working within and outside the government. She is the Executive Director (CEO) of Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE), the national coalition of more than a thousand NGOs and educator groups working for advancing Education 2030 Agenda/SDG-4 and other SDGs.

Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya

Member, CPD Board of Trusteesand DistinguishedFellow, CPD

Dr Debapriya is a member of the United Nations Committee for Development Policy (CDP), a subsidiary body of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). He is Non-Resident Fellow at the Center for Global Development (CGD), Washington DC. He is the Convenor of Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh – a platform of more than 100 NGOs and private sector bodies, seeking to contribute to the delivery of the SDGs at the country level.


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