

Background of : Dishari


Dishari is a non-religious and non-profitmaking DPO in sundargonj upazila under Gaibandha district works for the development of extreme poor particularly for children with disabilities, men and women. The organization is established in the last of 2014. A group of social workers and students from the DULAL village of Konchibari union have their important places to form the organization.

The organization is giving particular emphasis to foster physical, mental, economical, education and social empowerment of all categories of disabled people. The organization has also an aim to reduce sufferings and losses of disaster affected people and as well health and nutrition promotion as cross cutting issue for inclusive development of handicapped and others.



The major activities of the organization incudes disabled child friendly education environment creation, special education for disabled children, improve survival condition of disabled people through rehabilitation center establishment, social and economic empowerment of disabled people, rights protection, access in services and behavioral changes of society and family towards disabled children, men and women.


The organization also gives importance on health, hygiene & sanitation, relief and rehabilitation activities to stay closed to the poor and extreme poor people especially to disabled person. The organization is also being served as an additional force to sustainable development of deprive, backward, downtrodden, Hard Core Poor (HCP) of the society and assist them to make economically and socially viable. It’s also carries out various programs such as; women and children rights and violence against women, health and hygiene through enhance knowledge and skill to improve their family and social status so that men and women can work together in the society for sustainable standard of living.


Dishari envisions a nation in which all disabled people live with freedom and dignity in a barrier-free family and society, and are able to contribute equally to their own and universal development.


Dishari means disabled people’s organization, committed to directly promote disabled people’s knowledge and capacities, rights and access, policy and practice towards disability development etc. We also ensure initiative for enabling them to be effective as equal citizen and to contribute their participation in the development of a nondiscriminatory society.

6. Objectives of the Organization:

1.      To develop disabled people’s organization, social awareness, knowledge and education ensuring enrolment of disabled children in main streaming education.

2.      To  improve survival condition of disabled people through improved health care and rehabilitation facilities attainment;

3.    To protect rights of the disabled people and ensure their dignity through changing attitude of the state, service providing organization, society and family;

4.      To create income and employment opportunities for the handicapped through special training, jobs market creation, access in small entrepreneurship and agriculture sectors.

5.    To reduce sufferings and losses of disaster affected people through rescue works and affording aid support as well as rehabilitation works.



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